
Nedenstående salgs- og leveringsbetingelser gælder for alle leverancer fra Stig Neergaard Racing Shop.

Betingelserne gælder i det tilfælde, hvor der ikke er indgået andre skriftlige aftaler mellem dig som køber og Stig Neergaard Racing Shop.

Hvis der findes produktbeskrivelser og brugervejledninger til varen, følger disse med leverancen fra Stig Neergaard Racing Shop. 

Ønsker du yderligere oplysning eller rådgivning fra Stig Neergaard Racing Shop side, er denne af vejledende art. Stig Neergaard Racing Shop indestår for, at varerne opfylder kravene til CE-mærkning.

Levering af varer fra Stig Neergaard Racing Shop anses for sket, når forbrugeren har fået varen udleveret. Leveringstid afhænger af landet varen skal leveres til. I Danmark vil varen typisk blive leveret indenfor 2-3 dage. 

Risikoen for varer købt af Stig Neergaard Racing Shop overgår til dig som forbruger på leveringstidspunktet. 
Reklamation Eventuelle fejl eller mangler ved levering fra Stig Neergaard Racing Shop, skal påberåbes i rimelig tid efter, at du har opdaget fejlen. Det en din pligt at angive og på forlangende vise, hvordan fejlen eller manglen ytrer sig. Hvis du opdager en fejl, skal du hurtigt rette henvendelse til Stig Neergaard Racing Shop. 

Du kan som udgangspunkt kun klage over fejl, der viser sig senest to år efter du har fået varen leveret. For varer med begrænset holdbarhed, er din klagemulighed afgrænset af den holdbarhedsperiode, Stig Neergaard Racing Shop har stillet dig i udsigt.

I denne butik kan du bestille dine varer online og betale med betalingskort (Dankort, VISA, Mastercard). Derudover kan du lave en bankoverførsel til vores konto nr. (se nederst på siden)

Alle priser i Stig Neergaard Racing Shop - på web-adressen http://www.lucasoil.shop - er inkl. Moms.

Stig Neergaard Racing Shop yder 14 dages fortrydelsesret, gældende fra den dag du modtager dine varer. 

Du har pligt til at returnere varen i væsentlig samme stand og mængde, som den er modtaget. Du skal selv afholde de omkostninger, der er forbundet med at returnere varen.


Terms of trade
Bellow mentioned Terms of trade and delivery applies for all deliverance from Stig Neergaard Racing Shop.
The Terms apply in all cases where a written agreement between you as buyer and Stig Neergaard Racing Shop hasn’t been made. 
If product description and user’s manual exist for the given product, it will be included in the deliverance.  
If further information’s or guidance about or the use of the product is needed, it will be considered “as is” without warranty of any kind and Stig Neergaard Racing Shop can’t be hold reliable for any misuse ore damage.

All product sold by Stig Neergaard Racing Shop are CE-approved.

The delivery of a product is completed when the costumer receives the order. The time of delivery varies by what county the order is being delivered to. In Denmark the time of delivery will typical be within 2-3 business days.

The responsibility for products bought from Stig Neergaard Racing Shop is passed on to you as costumer at the time of delivery.

Orders shipped outside of Denmark may incur additional fees from the recipient country such as duty fees and brokerage.  These fees are not collected by Stig Neergaard Racing Shop at the time of purchase and would be a separate transaction that the customer is responsible for.

Complaints about errors or any missing products at the time of delivery, has to be pointed out to Stig Neergaard Racing Shop in reasonable time. It is your duty as costumer to point out and explain how the Errors or missing products occurs.

You can as only complain about Errors if the error shows within two years from you have received the product. If the products have an expiry date, you can only complain about the product within that period. The period will be visible on the product or informed by Stig Neergaard Racing Shop.

In this shop you can order your products online and pay with credit cards (Dankort, VISA, Mastercard).

Other than that you can pay by bank transfer to Stig Neergaard Racing Shops Account number (see bottom of the page)

All prices in Stig Neergaard Racing Shop – on the web address http://www.lucasoil.shop – are VAT included.

It is you duty as costumer to return the products in the same condition and amount as received. The cost of return belongs to you as costumer.